Is too much blue light bad for your eyes?

You've probably noticed that long screen time leads to tired eyes. Digital devices are typically backlit by LEDs or fluorescent bulbs - both big sources of blue light. Luckily, science can explain why screens can feel so uncomfortable!

We all have special cells in our eyes that are highly sensitive to blue light, In fact, they're most excited around 480-520 nanometers (nm) – the same wavelengths clinical research has found to cause a pain response in people with light sensitivity.

To help soothe your eyes, we recommend taking regular breaks, limiting device usage, and wearing glasses that protect and soothe your eyes such as FL-Pro™ and FL-Blend™ TheraSpecs that filter the most uncomfortable blue light wavelengths.

Since sunlight can have 250 times more blue light than artificial light sources, FL-Sun™ TheraSpecs can provide the strongest relief and protection when you're out and about!

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