When should I wear my TheraSpecs?

TheraSpecs are designed to protect you from problematic light. Wearing them around known light triggers will help you enjoy their full benefit.

If you're not sure what your light triggers are, start by wearing your non-polarized TheraSpecs designed for indoor use whenever you're exposed to artificial light (except for TheraSpecs Sleep, which should only be worn in the 2-3 hours before bedtime).

Wear your polarized TheraSpecs outside to protect you from sunshine.

After a few weeks of consistent use, you should be able to identify the most problematic light sources and can adapt your use accordingly. Some customers also find TheraSpecs can stop an attack or light related episode that’s already begun, especially if they catch it early. Even if it continues, TheraSpecs can provide relief by taking the edge off the surrounding light.

You can wear your "standard" and "extra" tinted TheraSpecs for as long as you wish each day. These are light enough to avoid increasing sensitivity to light.

For times when the "max" tint level is needed, we recommend wearing them only when necessary since they block out the most light of the non-polarized tint levels.

We recommend wearing polarized FL-Sun™ TheraSpecs only when you are outdoors or exposed to bright sunlight, since wearing sunglasses inside can increase sensitivity to light through a process called dark adaptation. (Learn more here.)

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