Wrap Adjustment Instructions

The fit of Wrap can be refined by adjusting the nose bridge or arms with heat from a hair dryer.

Nose Bridge Adjustment

For a frame that feels too narrow or too wide, adjusting the nosepiece will get the fastest results:

  • Start by aiming your hair dryer at the part of the frame you'd like to adjust. Frequently rotate the frame, heating the plastic front and back.
  • After heating for ~120, the frame should be warm to the touch but not uncomfortable to hold.
  • While still warm, adjust the frame. Apply even pressure, slightly over-bend the plastic to the desired position, and hold for ~30 seconds.

That's it! If the frame doesn't keep the shape you want, then repeat those steps and quickly cool them under cold tap water.

(Note, the video says to apply heat for about 90 seconds, but Wrap needs about 120 seconds warm up.)

Arm Adjustment

To refine the fit, you can use heat to adjust the arms, too. (It takes about 120 seconds of heat to adjust Wrap, not 90 seconds, as mentioned in the video.)

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